Old Age Home

Juva Jyoti Club Managed

Old Age Home

Juva Jyoti Club has been working closely with senior citizens associations and encouraging seniors to speak up for their own rights. Our organization is registered under the Societies' Registration Act of 1860. It was set up in 1980, and since then has been raising resources to protect the rights of India's elderly and provide relief to them through various interventions. It voice the needs of India's 90 million (current estimate) "grey" population, and directly impact the lives of lakhs of elders through our services every year. It advocates with national & local government to bring about policy that is beneficial to the elderly. It makes the society aware of the concerns of the aged and promotes better understanding ageing issues. Moreover it also helps the elderly become aware of their own rights so that they get their due and are able to play an active role in society.

In its development mode, the programme is now more community based and driven, empowering older people and strengthening family and community support mechanisms

  1. 1. Focused on the most vulnerable older people
  2. 2. Inter generational in its approach
  3. 3. Working in partnership with other local organizations
  4. 4. Have an advocacy component

Old Age Home Kitchen Details


Live CCTV Camera


We Care Because We Understand

It is likely, you are a young one but there will be a lot of people around you who are facing helplessness due to this fact. It is time to help them differently. It is time to adopt empathy instead of sympathy and stand for themselves.

But the big question is; How?

 This Juva Jyoti Club provides every kind of facility to the people who cannot do their daily task and their loved ones do not have enough time to cater to them. We take responsibility for your loved ones with care and respect.

Homely atmosphere

Staying away from family can make the senior people feel home-sick and sad. This can also put a bad impact on your health. Hence, we assure 100% homely environment for them so that they can enjoy and live like a family. Special precautions are taken to make sure that sentiments of any individuals are not hurt and the moral values are safeguarded.
Specialty of Our

Old Age Home

 - How We Care -

Pure Water

We strongly focus to provide Pure Water to our Old Age Home. At our Old age home for senior citizen, we prepare a proper diet chart for all the people based on their health and body requirements.

Healthy Food

Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, the old people are being provided the best meals that are completely pure and hygienic. The food is being cooked by trained people who understand the taste of old people.

Medical Facilities

We have tie up with Hospitals, who is always there to take care in case of any medical emergency. Regular health checkups are done since this age requires more care and attention and body are more prone to the diseases.


Living simply at home makes everyone feel bore and uneasy. In our Old Age Home for Senior Citizens , we never let the residents feel life is boring. There are regular events being planned for the fun and recreation of all the people as per their interest.