Women and child Development

Women and child Development

The society since its inception has been putting special emphasis to facilitate the process of women and child development and free them from the bondage of illiteracy, physiological and psychological exploitation and to give them a social status in the Society in which they live.

Violence and atrocities in general and particularly against women have increased over the years. Due to ignorance of their rights, most of the women have been confined to the four walls of their houses. The Society has given sufficient feedback on women development to 260 women volunteers who have been engaged to make other women aware of their rights. They have done their duties successfully during the year under report. The Society’s campaign for dowry-less marriage this year is appreciable. The Society has also organised awareness camps, meetings, seminars and workshops on creation of a National level consensus to prevent exploitation against children particularly the victims of socio-economic mal-adjustment and child labour, orphans, street children, illiterate, mal-nourished and ill-treated.

Women Development

The Society has been consistently taking various measures to make the rural women aware of their rights. The Society is keeping in touch with several Mahila Samities and Mahila Mandals in Chalking out ways and means for developmental programmes for the women. It encouraged the women to come to Mahila Samities and Mahila Mandals to discuss their problems and find out their solutions. The Society is also imparting training under its vocational training programme to women. The Society has also successfully solved 100 cases of harassment and 25 cases of family disputes through mutual understanding.

The Society has been implementing programmes of socio-economic development for the illiterate and economically backward women and OBCs in its operational area since inception with programmes of awareness, education, training, guidance and other related services. During the year under report the Society has organised different awareness programmes and other support services for their development through utilisation of existing Govt. infrastructure and programmes. In addition, the Society is developing few other programmes exclusively for the upliftment and wellbeing of women to be taken up from the next financial year.

Child Welfare

The Society has been devoting a wholehearted effort to provide education, sports and cultural facilities to the children particularly in the backward and tribal areas. The programmes of child labour rehabilitation, care of orphans and rescue of children continuing under situations of subjugation and exploitation are sincerely pioneered. During the year under report the Society has conducted different programmes for the common people on child rights, child care and child development. The Society has been organising regular programmes of immunisation, nutritional guidance and child care training in its operational area.